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The ANT Telecom Blog Page 8

Body Temperature Monitoring Vital for the Distilling Industry

Written by ANT Telecom | 11 Sep 2020
As lockdown eases across the UK, conditions are starting to gradually return to something resembling normal for many businesses, with staff returning to work and customers beginning to spend once more. However, the threat posed by COVID-19 has not disappeared completely, with some smaller outbreaks ...

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Topics: Body Temperature Monitoring

Are You Ready for Retail Opening with Thermal Body Scanning?

Written by ANT Telecom | 9 Jul 2020
Retail businesses have been especially badly affected by the recent COVID-19 pandemic, with many shops having to close their doors for the duration of the multi-month lockdown. However, with the gradual easing of restrictions starting to begin and more people being encouraged to return to work, ...

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Topics: Body Temperature Monitoring

Transforming efficiency and quality through asset monitoring

Written by ANT Telecom | 8 Jul 2020
High standards within the hospitality and retail industries are crucial to success and profitability, from ensuring the best food quality and sustainability practices to streamlining operating costs – but how can this be achieved every time, without fail?...

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Topics: Condition Monitoring

Business as usual? Telephony helps businesses hold the line

Written by ANT Telecom | 7 Jul 2020
The impact on businesses due to Covid-19 has been far reaching. With numerous businesses having to furlough staff or alter their business plans dramatically to maintain business continuity, many continue to struggle to maintain as close to ‘business as usual’ as possible. In particular, the ...

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Topics: Telecoms

Companies shouldn’t overlook smartphones for protecting lone workers

Written by ANT Telecom | 3 Jul 2020
With social distancing rules likely to remain in place for the foreseeable future many organisations are investigating lone worker solutions as an additional measure to keep employees safe. But with so much choice available on the market, it’s not surprising that buyers don’t always look beyond the ...

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Topics: Lone Workers, smartphones

Monitoring Body Temperatures in the Hospitality Sector

Written by ANT Telecom | 2 Jul 2020
With the UK government now eyeing the relaxation of the lockdown methods that have been in place for the past several months, many shops and offices are looking forward to once more opening their doors. The same goes for the hospitality sector, where the restarting of the economy will bring with it ...

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Topics: Body Temperature Monitoring

Body Temperature Monitoring the Key to Returning to the Office

Written by ANT Telecom | 24 Jun 2020
The appearance of COVID-19 has forced many workers across Britain to cease going into work and remain at home as part of the social distancing measures put in place to contain the spread of the disease. However, as the lockdown begins to ease and firms begin to reopen, the question has been asked ...

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Topics: Body Temperature Monitoring

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