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The ANT Telecom Blog Page 7

Lone Worker Systems in Pharmaceutical Companies

Written by ANT Telecom | 27 Nov 2020
Lone working is a concern for many companies, especially pharmaceutical manufacturers, who deal with a variety of potentially dangerous chemical substances. Staff and premises are at risk due to lone working practices. With automation and twenty-four-hour operational requirements, it’s often the ...

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Topics: Lone Workers, IP DECT

Lone Working & Service User Safety in Care Homes

Written by ANT Telecom | 18 Nov 2020
The UK’s Health and Social Care sector employs over 3 million workers. Some work in care homes while others provide care for the elderly and vulnerable adults in the community. Those who work in residential care homes provide round the clock care for residents, including working nights. The numbers ...

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Topics: Lone Workers, IP DECT

Safeguarding work and education environments with temperature monitoring

Written by ANT Telecom | 5 Nov 2020
There has been a clear rise in localised outbreaks as many return to work and school, with factories hit particularly hard in recent months....

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Topics: Schools, Body Temperature Monitoring

Adapting and preparing for hospitality success

Written by ANT Telecom | 4 Nov 2020
The hospitality industry has certainly been hard hit as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic. In March the sector was forced to close due to lockdown restrictions imposed by the Government, and we saw the sector rapidly adapting in order to keep the lights on, for example, restaurant businesses ...

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Topics: Schools, Body Temperature Monitoring

How do you protect a nation of lone workers?

Written by ANT Telecom | 3 Nov 2020
For many organisations, employees working from home is no new thing. But since the outbreak of Covid-19 and the immediate decision by the government to restrict travel and to work from home where possible, the typical office worker had to quickly adapt to working from home as best they can....

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Topics: Lone Workers

The Importance Of Thermal Body Scanning In Education

Written by ANT Telecom | 26 Sep 2020
After much confusion and uncertainty, it is now known that schools will be fully reopening in the autumn after being in lockdown for months due to the coronavirus pandemic. However, teaching unions and parents remain concerned about the risk of transmission of the virus that is posed by a classroom ...

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Topics: Schools, Body Temperature Monitoring

Body Temperature Monitoring In The Manufacturing Sector

Written by ANT Telecom | 18 Sep 2020
Businesses are starting to reopen now that the lockdown has been lifted and things are gradually beginning to return to some semblance of normality. However, vigilance is still needed in order to prevent businesses from becoming coronavirus hotspots, as recent localised outbreaks have shown is a ...

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Topics: Body Temperature Monitoring

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