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Fridge Temperature Monitoring and How to Collect Data with IoT Sensors

Written by Chris Potts | 5 Jun 2024
For many businesses, monitoring and recording the temperature of their fridges and freezers is an important quality control measure....

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Topics: Wireless Sensors, Wireless Automated Monitoring

Prevent Major Damage with a Leak Detection System

Written by Chris Potts | 24 Apr 2024
Have you recently experienced water damage at your place of work? Water leaks can be caused by all manner of things including, a leaking roof, faulty faucet, blocked drain, worn seals, faulty appliances etc. Small leaks can often occur in places hidden and can go unnoticed causing extensive damage ...

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Topics: IoT, Wireless Sensors, Wireless Automated Monitoring

How to Monitor External Temperatures Automatically

Written by Chris Potts | 23 Feb 2023
Outdoor office areas can get very slippery and dangerous in icy, wintery conditions. Places like car parks and pathways leading to the office can become hazardous if they’re not gritted when temperatures drop below freezing....

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Topics: Wireless Sensors, Wireless Automated Monitoring

How can IoT Temperature Sensors help Food Companies Comply with HACCP?

Written by Chris Potts | 11 Mar 2022
Storing food at the correct temperature is crucial for food companies. Food poisoning bacteria generally becomes inactive in the cold, and most are killed by heat. Controlling the temperature of food is a very effective way of controlling the growth of bacteria, and so reducing the risk of food ...

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Topics: Condition Monitoring, IoT, Wireless Sensors


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