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How to Locate Lone Workers Indoors

Written by Chris Potts | 19 Jun 2024
When lone workers sound the alarm for help, swift support is essential. Therefore, knowing where workers are can help your response team locate them faster, saving crucial time in an emergency....

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Topics: Lone Workers, IP DECT, Indoor Location, Man-Down

Guide to Man-Down Alarms for Lone Worker Protection

Written by Chris Potts | 10 Apr 2024
Lone working is a prevalent practice across many market sectors and though it is legal it does come with some additional risks to those that do it, simply because they don't have colleagues near them that can immediately support them when things go wrong. That's why it is crucial for businesses to ...

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Topics: Lone Workers, Man-Down

Which Lone Worker Devices Work Over WiFi?

Written by Chris Potts | 29 Apr 2022
Many companies are affected by poor mobile coverage. This can often be due to the location of the premises, if it is based in a rural setting for instance, or the design and materials used on the outer shell e.g. metal cladding, that mobile signals can reflect off....

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Topics: Lone Workers, Man-Down

Safety within the waste and recycling sector

Written by ANT Telecom | 10 Feb 2020
From weekly household collections to recycling plants, the waste and recycling sector plays an important role in UK society. But given the physical labour, transport vehicles and heavy machinery involved, it is an industry that presents significant risks to workers involved....

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Topics: Lone Workers, Critical Alarm Management, Man-Down

The importance of lone worker device testing

Written by ANT Telecom | 7 Feb 2020
The introduction of the Internet of Things (IoT) has meant that devices and machinery can now be connected to apps that are accessible from smartphones, tablets and computers at all times. IoT technology can be used to monitor a variety of elements, from machinery malfunction to air quality levels, ...

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Topics: Lone Workers, Health and Safety, Man-Down


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