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The ANT Telecom Blog Page 9

4 Signs You Need To Improve Your Lone Worker Process

Written by ANT Telecom | 20 May 2020
For many organisations in sectors such as manufacturing, construction or infrastructure, a common challenge is coordinating their workers across large sites that may hamper communications and rapid movement. Whilst this can be an inconvenience in terms of overall efficiency of workflow, it can also ...

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Topics: Lone Workers, Health and Safety

Depot Safety Guide

Written by ANT Telecom | 13 May 2020
Depot safety is often overlooked when compared to more obviously threatening manufacturing environments, however accidents in logistics centres can prove just as dangerous to employees as incidents on the production floor. This is especially true for lone workers, who are a common sight in such ...

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Topics: Lone Workers, Manufacturing Industry, Health and Safety

Keeping Lone Workers Safe In ATEX Areas

Written by ANT Telecom | 1 Apr 2020
ATEX refers to a set of EU regulations for controlling explosive atmospheres. ATEX areas are commonly found at petrochemical, chemical and other production facilities referring to work areas where there is a threat of atmospheric ignition due to the presence of flammable vapour. By themselves, ATEX ...

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Topics: Lone Workers

Keeping Medical Staff Out Of Harm’s Way

Written by ANT Telecom | 25 Mar 2020
For most members of the public, it is easy to imagine hospitals and other healthcare facilities as safe havens from sudden injury or violence, but for the workers who have chosen to dedicate themselves to careers in medicine, experience (and the numbers) tells a different story. NHS workers ...

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Topics: Lone Workers, Hospitals

School Shootings: Something We Need To Worry About?

Written by ANT Telecom | 18 Mar 2020
Every school takes sensible measures to prevent their students from coming to harm, particularly from violence inflicted by other pupils or intruders onto the premises, which can take the form of a wide number of scenarios. Perhaps the most dreaded of these events is the school shooting. Although ...

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Topics: Schools

Top Telephony Tips to help staff work at home

Written by ANT Telecom | 17 Mar 2020
With the outbreak of Coronavirus, we’ve had many customers asking about home working over the last week and how this can be set up on their current telephone solution. So, we thought we would outline some tips (including their pros and cons) just in case you need to consider home working in the ...

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Topics: Telecoms

Lone Workers Safety During the Cold Winter Temperatures

Written by ANT Telecom | 11 Mar 2020
Many industrial facilities and work sites extend across wide areas, necessitating employees to often be working outside or travelling between different buildings in order to access equipment. Coupled with increased levels of automation, this can make for a sparsely populated workplace where long ...

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Topics: Lone Workers

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