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The ANT Telecom Blog Page 6

How to Overcome Lone Working Challenges Across Multiple Sites

Written by ANT Telecom | 1 Apr 2021
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) define lone workers as “Lone workers are those who work by themselves without close or direct supervision.” This definition applies to a variety of roles both in industrial locations as well as other sectors such as healthcare. The number of people who fall ...

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Topics: Lone Workers

Educating Staff on Lone Working To Improve Worker Safety

Written by ANT Telecom | 25 Mar 2021
Lone working is a challenging subject for companies and employees alike. There often arises a misunderstanding as to the meaning of the term “lone worker”. Many employees and even some employers seem to think it means solitary workers. This may well be true in some instances, but the term can refer ...

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Topics: Lone Workers

How To Tackle Lone Working For Water Companies

Written by ANT Telecom | 18 Mar 2021
Working for a water company poses various risks to workers. From working alone in remote pumping stations to digging up the ground in search of water leaks, the work poses inherent risks. However, adequate training, risk assessments and other measures all contribute to limiting the risks and making ...

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Topics: Lone Workers

Stepping out of business isolation

Written by ANT Telecom | 11 Mar 2021
When England first went into lockdown, many businesses became quickly uncertain about the impact of Covid restrictions and the future, causing many to batten down the hatches and concentrate on survival. This resulted in essential business-critical decisions necessary to keep companies growing and ...

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Topics: Health and Safety, Home Worker

Rise of the Machines: Maximising real-time information in the Food Processing Industry

Written by ANT Telecom | 10 Mar 2021
The use of technology is becoming increasingly intertwined with our everyday lives, and even more so within numerous industry operations. Covid-19 has of course exacerbated this fact, highlighting the importance of technology and encouraging companies to think innovatively to overcome the ...

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Topics: Health and Safety, Critical Alarm Management

Home working as a differentiator

Written by ANT Telecom | 9 Mar 2021
As we begin 2021, it is clear that businesses have had no choice but to make significant changes to mitigate the disruption that the global Coronavirus pandemic has caused. One major change that looks likely to remain long-term is the rise of working from home and this will become a key ...

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Topics: Health and Safety, Home Worker

Why are Lone Worker Devices Important in Distilleries?

Written by ANT Telecom | 4 Dec 2020
Distilleries are fascinating places with the copper stills and barrels representing art as old as tradition. However, working in distilleries may be fraught with risk and employers and employees have to take precaution to stay safe at work. Like any other industrial manufacturing premises, there ...

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Topics: Lone Workers, Distilleries

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