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How to Locate Lone Workers Indoors

Written by Chris Potts | 19 Jun 2024

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When lone workers sound the alarm for help, swift support is essential. Therefore, knowing exactly where that individual is can help a business's response team locate them, as quickly as possible, saving crucial time in an emergency.

Unfortunately though, many lone worker solutions run off GPS or GNSS location technology.  And while these are effective when detailing a user’s location accurately on a mapping service, like google maps they don't always work well indoors.  This is because the signal to the satellite can be blocked by the floors and ceiling above and the lack of building granularity provided by the mapping service.  As a result, the location provided can be the last-known position outside the premises or a fix inside but lacking any detail to be any use to a response team.

Therefore, if you require something more dependable you should consider other location methods to fully enhance the safety of your teams working indoors. In this blog we’ll discuss what options are available in the market that enhance the safety of lone workers operating indoors.  


Equipping the Work Environment with Beacons 


Beacons strategically placed throughout the site serve as location markers for lone workers. When a worker walks past a beacon it automatically updates their handset with its position. In the event of an alert, the alarm message includes the location of the last beacon the worker passed, stored in their handset, providing more accurate location data. This information is then displayed on a site map for the response team to easily identify. Additionally, some solutions may also run a quick scan for the nearest beacon too in case there is a closer one that the user hasn’t reached.

These beacons come in different versions, indoor, outdoor, ATEX as well as battery or mains powered.  So it is essential businesses do their due diligence before investing in the technology to establish what is essential for their needs.  It's also worth remembering that the more beacons used the more accurate the location is and ultimately, the safer employees are. However, even with a small number they can reduce the search time by indicating which building or floor the lone worker is located.

Our solutions including Aspect Link, IP DECT and VoWiFi fully support the use of these essential beacons.


Investing in Base Station (WiFi and DECT) Location

Utilising private voice or data networks with DECT base stations or Access Points (both commonly referred to as base stations) can also provide indoor location information.

When an alarm is raised, handsets like DECT, smartphones, and VoWiFi can indicate the specific base station they are connected to, providing a general location of the user within approximately a 30-meter radius. This data can then be showcased on a site map to help the response team.

While base stations may have a wider coverage area that can extend across multiple floors or external spaces, when combined with Beacons, they can enhance accuracy by narrowing down the search area to a particular floor or section of the building. This coupling of Beacon and Base Station technologies can significantly improve location accuracy in emergency situations.


Using Light and Sound on Lone Worker Devices

Some lone worker devices can emit a light and audible sound once a man-down alarm has been raised, making it easier for responders to locate their colleague in an emergency. When searching large areas quickly, individuals may be easily overlooked, especially if they’re lying low or concealed behind equipment or fixtures.

However, the sound generated from the device can draw a responder’s attention once they’re in the vicinity, making them aware they’re nearby and prompting a thorough search. Additionally, the emitted light makes the worker more visible, further assisting in their quick rescue.     


User Named Location

Atlas SOS_TPA_1

Another option is to motivate users to get in the habit of detailing their location as and when they undertake a task alone. This works well for users that are in one or two locations each day.

Apps like Atlas SOS streamline this process for users, making it effortless to input their task duration and location details on the timer screen.

In the event of an alarm, responders receive the alarm message containing the user's name, contact number, and precise location details.


Using Push to Talk Technology

In times of need, responders can all work together to help locate their colleague by using, either Radio or Cellular based, Push to Talk (PTT) technology that allows them to communicate over a signal channel.

PTT technology works well in emergency situations as it allows teams to designate tasks and provide updates all-on-the-go. Users simply push a button on their handset to broadcast their message to their team, who can respond in a similar manner.

For instance, if a user is hurt in an unnamed location, this technology allows response teams the opportunity to spread out and check different areas simultaneously, whilst keeping each other updated so they do not duplicate efforts or miss certain places. By working together effectively in a coordinated effort can help to save crucial time when locating a colleague.



As you can see there are various options available to enhance lone worker safety. Technology can help by providing accurate location information to responders on site maps.

You can also get lone workers to input their location before they start a task using an easy-to-use app or provide lone worker devices that emit a light or sound that will reveal their location when responders are nearby.

Furthermore, Push to Talk Technology can speed up your response efforts by helping your responders search more efficiently in a coordinated fashion.

If you would like a demo, pricing information or support designing your lone worker solution, please contact ANT Telecom today. You’ll find all our contact information by clicking on the contact us tab at the top right of the page.


Topics: Lone Workers, IP DECT, Indoor Location, Man-Down

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